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     Lockdown has now been relaxed enough and massage therapists have been given the green light to return to work. Therefore, I am now ready to make appointments. There will be some changes in the process both before and during each session, to help ensure both yours and my safety.  These measures have been set out by the Complementary Therapists Association and the Scottish Government.

Before you leave your home, please  if possible check your temperature, and consider if you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms. If you are, please postpone or cancel your appointment.  I will also take your temperature when you arrive.

If you are a first-time client, your pre-session consultation will now take place via the phone or video-conferencing – rather than face to face. And/or a consultation form emailed for completion prior to the visit.

If you are an existing client there will be a short update consultation – to see how you have been since pre lockdown and whether you have any Covid-19 issues. Also, via phone or video conferencing.

There will also be a consent form to complete regarding exposure to Covid-19. If you are considered a high-risk client, it may not be possible to massage you at this time.    All consultation & consent documents can be emailed beforehand. 

Please wear easy to remove clothes. You will be given a container in which to put them when you undress. Please avoid wearing jewelry as this makes the process simpler. The container will have been disinfected.

When you arrive, you will be required to take off your shoes (or put on disposable shoe covers which will be provided), sanitise or wash your hands (drying them with paper towels) – and walk into the practice room without touching anything.                   

The massage table will have been thoroughly disinfected. The linens are all clean, and you will be encouraged to wear a mask. 

Please bring your own mask. 

The therapist will be using personal protective equipment – until the requirement relaxes. The apron may be replaced with a button up top, but they will wear gloves if appropriate, a mask and/or a visor. (This information is likely to change as the situation regarding use of PPE is fluid).

It is recommended not to chat during your treatment to avoid droplet formation.

Please bring you own pen for signing any forms or cheques.

Please also bring your own water – as I am unable to provide  glassware.

Please refrain from using your mobile phone whilst in the clinic.

If having reflexology and/or reiki please wear warm clothing as at the moment no blanket will be provided.

If you do arrive early please note there are no waiting room facilities.  

Please do not bring any other person with you, unless they are dropping you off or collecting you.

After your treatment, as much as we enjoy a good chat - please be aware of the time factor as your therapist will have to fully clean the room before the next client – this will be greatly appreciated at this time .


When the massage is over, please leave all the linens, towels, and mask on the massage table – unless the mask is yours. Put your clothes back on and exit again without touching anything.

There will be an approximate 30/45  minute gap between clients, to enable disinfection of the practice space, therapy table and equipment, hallways and bathrooms etc. and allow enough time for surfaces to dry

Unfortunately because of all the restrictions, extra procedures, extra equipment required and longer time required between each treatment this has resulted in extra costs being incurred and as a result has led to an increase in treatment charges.   Please note at this time I cannot offer Hot Stone Massage or Face Massage.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support during these challenging times.   Look forward to seeing you soon,  Keep well and stay safe,  Regards  Anne Frances

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